BK. Ezra Pound

144. Taylor, Richard. ‘Ezra Pound: Editor of Nô’. Paideuma 4 (1975): 345-47, 353.

Precedes and follows Taylor’s transcription of Dorothy Pound’s transcription of the unpublished Fenollosa’s manuscript of YÔrÔ (see 75), but is more directly about Pound’s work on the plays that appeared in ‘Noh or Accomplishment (24). Finds that Pound’s work with the nô is often ‘highly questionable’, but notes that he had ‘an intuitive grasp of several important aspects . . . even though there is no explicit understanding of detail’. Among these are an understanding of the importance of ‘spiritism’ and of the ‘larger encyclopedic intention of the conventional cycle of five plays’, an acceptance of the ‘anti-realistic method’ of the nô, and the fusion of the text with music and dancing. Includes discussion of Yeats’s At the Hawk’s Well (BL12). Incorporated in BL180.





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