David Ewick


spI knew you must be edified by the margent ere you had done.

spHamlet, V, ii.

May 2009 note: The gold banner at the top of this and other pages and various references to Chuo University throughout the gold-bannered areas of the site are no longer correct, although it will be late summer or later before I get around to changing them. I continue to work at Chuo University Graduate School and Faculty of Policy Studies, but as visiting professor. My new position is Dept. of English Language and Literature, Tokyo Woman’s Christian University.

Welcome to the margins.

These pages are divided into three main areas. Pages with a gold banner, such as this one, are related to my work and that of my students at the University Graduate School and Faculty of Policy Studies, Chuo University, Tokyo. The sections of this area are noted in the gold table in the sidebar to the left.

Two other areas of the site, which follow the same navigational principles, are related to a longstanding interest in the relation of modern English-language poetry and Japan. The first of these is an archive of poems from the eighteenth century to 2003. The second is a critical bibliography that focuses particularly on the years 1900 to 1950.

Of current and recent note:

Pat Boran’s A Natural History of Armed Conflict and Way of Peace have been added to the Archive of Japan in English~Language Verse, along with an audio file of Pat Boran reading these poems.

Material about Kenny Ewick and the Stardusters and Bob Hoban and the Midniters is here.

Themargins.net was designed in Macromedia Fireworks MX and Macromedia Dreamweaver MX on a Macintosh G4 Cube, and works reliably with all standard OS / browser configurations except Macintosh OSX+ running M-Soft IE. Design colors are from Torii Kiyonaga’s Women at Bath. The pages first were uploaded to the Chuo University FPS server on April 24, 2003.

Areas of the site that include the cc licensed icon are registered under a Creative Commons license that allows reproduction, distribution, and derivative work under these conditions.








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