David Ewick

Toward a Classified Bibliography of Not One Thing:
Cross Disciplinary Cultural Studies in English Language Journals

3.10 Otherness / Alterity

Ahmad, Aijaz. 1987. Jameson’s rhetoric of otherness and the “national allegory.” Social Text, no. 17: 3-25.

Ahmed, Sara. 1999. Phantasies of becoming (the other). European Journal of Cultural Studies 2.1: 47-63.

----------. 2000. Who knows? Knowing strangers and strangeness. Australian Feminist Studies 15: 49-68.

Baranovitch, Nimrod. 2001. Between alterity and identity: New voices of minority people in China. Modern China 27.3: 359-411.

Brunner, Diane DuBose. 1998. Marketing friendship: Fraternity and the exaggeration of other-ness. Review of Education/Pedagogy/Cultural Studies 20.2: 155-72.

Colley, Linda. 1992. Britishness and otherness: An argument. Journal of British Studies 31.4: 309-29.

†Covington, Coline. 2002. Response to Renos Papadopoulos. Journal of Analytical Psychology 47.2: 189-94.

Delanty, Gerard. 1999. Self, other and world: Discourses of nationalism and cosmopolitanism. Cultural Values 3.3: 365-75.

Deutscher, Penelope. 1998. Mourning the other, cultural cannibalism, and the politics of friendship (Jacques Derrida and Luce Irigaray). Differences: A Journal of Feminist Cultural Studies 10.3: 159-84.

Dominguez, Virginia R. 1994. A taste for “the other”: Intellectual complicity in racializing practices. Current Anthropology 35.4: 333-48.

†Dungey, Nicholas. 2001. (Re)turning Derrida to Heidegger: Being-with-others as primordial politics. Polity 33.3: 455-77.

Eburne, Jonathan Paul. 1997. Trafficking in the void: Burroughs, Kerouac, and the consumption of otherness. Modern Fiction Studies 43.1; 53-92.

Ferretter, Luke. 2001. How to avoid speaking of the other: Derrida, Dionysus and the problematic of negative theology. Paragraph 24.1: 50-65.

Freidenberg, Judith. 1998. The social construction and reconstruction of the other: Fieldwork in El Barrio. Anthropological Quarterly 71.4: 169-85.

Goldstein, Eric L. 2002. The unstable other: Locating the Jew in progressive-era American racial discourse. American Jewish History 89.4: 383-409.

Green, Karen. 2002. The other as another other. Hypatia 17.4: 1-15.

Hall, Rodney Bruce. 2001. Applying the “self / other” nexus in international relations. International Studies Review 3.1: 101-11.

Hampton, Timothy. 1993. Turkish dogs: Rabelais, Erasmus, and the rhetoric of alterity. Representations, no. 41: 58-82.

Healy, Paul. 2000. Self-other relations and the rationality of cultures. Philosophy & Social Criticism 26.6: 61-83.

Irigaray, Luce, and Noah Guynn. 1995. The question of the other. Yale French Studies, no. 87: 7-19.

Jian, Guo. 1999. Politics of othering and postmodernisation of the Cultural Revolution. Postcolonial Studies 2.2: 213-29.

Justman, Stewart. 1996. Regarding others. New Literary History 27.1: 83-93.

Kearney, Richard. 1999. Aliens and others: Between Girard and Derrida. Cultural Values 3.3: 251-62.

Kornfield, Eve. 1995. Encountering “the other”: American intellectuals and Indians in the 1790s. William and Mary Quarterly 3rd ser. 52.2: 287-314.

Kurasawa, Fuyuki. 1999. The exotic effect: Foucault and the question of cultural alterity. European Journal of Social Theory 2.2: 147-65.

Louw, Dirk J. 1999. Towards a decolonized assessment of the religious other. South African Journal of Philosophy 18.4: 390-407.

Mandalios, John. 2000. Being and cultural difference: (Mis)understanding otherness in early modernity. Thesis Eleven, no. 62: 91-108.

†Marrouchi, Mustapha. 1999. Fear of the other, loathing the similar. College Literature 26.3: 17-58.

Mascia-Lees, Frances. 1998. The other as fetish. Reviews in Anthropology 27: 337-48.

Morrissey, Lee. 2001. Eve’s otherness and the new ethical criticism.
New Literary History 32.2: 327-45.

Murray, Jack. 1965. The mystery of others. Yale French Studies, no. 34: 65-72.

Novosad, Frantisek. 2000. The clash of cultures and the accommodation of otherness. Dialogue & Universalism 10.12: 81-88.

†Papadopoulos, Renos K. 2002. The other other: When the exotic other subjugates the familiar other. Journal of Analytical Psychology 47.2: 163-88.

Peel, Ellen. 1989. The self is always an other: Going the long way home to autobiography. Twentieth Century Literature 35.1: 1-16.

Pitt, Susan. 1998. Representing otherness: Feminism, logocentrism and the discipline of history. Rethinking History 2.3: 397-404.

Roudiez, Leon S. 1978. La condition humaine: An awareness of the other. Twentieth Century Literature 24.3: 303-13.

Siemerling, Winifred. 2001. W.E.B. Dubois, Hegel, and the staging of alterity. Callaloo 24.1: 325-33.

Soares, Luiz E. 1998. Staging the self by performing the other: Global fantasies and the migration of the projective imagination. Cultural Values 2.2/3: 288-304.

Stamelman, Richard. 1993. The strangeness of the other and the otherness of the stranger: Edmond Jabes. Yale French Studies, no. 82: 118-34.

Van Pelt, Tamise. 2000. Otherness. Postmodern Culture 10.2 [online journal, cited Oct. 31, 2002]: Academic Search Premier.

Wokler, Robert. 1996. Todorov’s otherness. New Literary History 27.1: 43-55.

See also 1: Kokotovic; 1.3: Robbins; 2.3: Geller; 3.3: Mosquera; 3.8: Marx; Mummendey; 3.9: Meyer; 3.14.2: Barkan

3.10.1 Otherness / Alterity and Japan

Abbitt, Erica Stevens. 2001. Androgyny and otherness: Exploring the West through the Japanese performing body. Asian Theatre Journal 18.2: 249-56.

Gurowitz, Amy. 1999. Mobilizing international norms: Domestic actors, immigrants, and the Japanese state. World Politics 51.3: 413-45.

Spencer, Steven A. 1992. Illegal migrant laborers in Japan. International Migration Review 26.3: 754-86.

Tsuda, Takeyuki.2000. Acting Brazilian in Japan: Ethnic resistance among return migrants. Ethnology 39.1: 55-71.

----------. 2001. From ethnic affinity to alienation in the global ecumene: The encounter between the Japanese and Japanese-Brazilian return migrants. Diaspora 10.1: 53-91.

Wilson, Rob. 1991. Theory’s imaginal other: American encounters with South Korea and Japan. Boundary 2 18.3, Japan in the world: 220-41.

See also 3.1.1: Yoneyama; 3.11.1: Goldstein-Gidoni

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