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3.14 RepresentationAnkersmit, F. R. 2000. Representation as the representation of experience. Metaphilosophy 31.1/2: 148-68. Appiah, Kwame Anthony. 1993. Thick translation. Callaloo 16.4: 808-19. Bal, Mieke. 1993. First person, second person, same person: narration as epistemology. New Literary History 24.2: 293-320. Barthel-Bouchier, Diane. 2001. Authenticity and identity. International Sociology 16.2: 221-39. Biernacki, Richard. 2000. Language and the shift from signs to practices in cultural inquiry. History and Theory 39: 289-310. Cary, Lisa J. 1999. Unexpected stories: Life history and the limits of representation. Qualitative Inquiry 5.3: 411-27. Descombes, Vincent. 2000. The philosophy of collective representations. History of the Human Sciences 13.1: 37-49. Frosh, Paul. 2001. Inside the image factory: Stock photography and cultural production. Media, Culture & Society 23.5: 625-46. Gallagher, Catherine. 1984. The politics of culture and the debate over representation. Representations, no 5: 115-47. Gamson, William A., et al. 1992. Media images and the social construction of reality. Annual Review of Sociology 18: 373-93. Godmilow, Jill, and Ann-Louise Shapiro. 1997. How real is the reality in documentary film? History and Theory 36.4: 80-101. †Gracia, Jorge J. E. 2001. Are categories invented or discovered? A response to Foucault. Review of Metaphysics 55.1: 3-20. Haverkamp, Anselm. 1993. The memory of pictures: Roland Barthes and Augustine on photography. Comparative Literature 45.3: 258-79. Jay, Gregory S. 1994. Knowledge, power, and the struggle for representation. College English 56.1: 9-29. Lynch, Michael. 1994. Representation is overrated: Some
critical Mansbridge, Jane. 1999. Should Blacks represent Blacks and women represent women? A contingent “yes.” Journal of Politics 61.3: 628-57. McCarthey, Thomas. 1992. Doing the right thing in cross-cultural representation. Ethics 102.3: 635-49. O’Sullivan, Simon. 2001. The aesthetics of effect: Thinking art beyond representation. Angelaki: Journal of the Theoretical Humanities 6.3: 125-35. Rey, Georges. 1998. A narrow representationalist account of qualitative experience. Philosophical Perspectives 12: 435-57. †Sanders, Mark. 2002. Representation: Reading-otherwise. Shanklin, Eugenia. 2000. Representations of race and racism in American anthropology. Current Anthropology 41.1: 99-103. Smith, David Norman. 1996. The social construction of enemies: Jews and the representation of evil. Sociological Theory 14.3: 203-40. Weiner, James F. 1997. Televisualist anthropology: Representation, aesthetics, politics. Current Anthropology 38.2: 197-235. Williams, Ted. 2001. Truth and representation. Callaloo 24.1: 276-86. See also 2.2: Nozaki; 3.6: Morris; 3.8: Dai; Sun; 3.9: Piterberg; 3.11: Spark; 3.13: Davis; Giroux; Rowley; Teo
Caesar, Terry. 2000. Retreating to English: Anthologies, literature and theory in Japan. Symploke 8.1/2: 68-89. ----------. 2002. Turning American: Popular culture and national identity in the recent American text of Japan. Arizona Quarterly 58.2: 113-41. Cazdyn, Eric. 2000. Representation, reality culture, and global capitalism in Japan. South Atlantic Quarterly 99.4: 903-27. Fisher, Charles A. 1968. The Britain of the East? A study in the geography of imitation. Modern Asian Studies 2.4: 343-76. Gerbert, Elaine. 2001. Images of Japan in the digital age. East Asia 19.1/2: 95-122. Goebel, Rolf J. 1993. Japan as Western text: Roland Barthes, Richard Gordon Smith, and Lafcadio Hearn. Comparative Literature Studies 30.2: 188-203. Hammond, Phil. 1999. The mystification of culture: Western perceptions of Japan. Gazette 61.3/4: 311-25. Humphries, Jeff. 1997. Japan in theory. New Literary History 28.3: 601-23. ----------. 1997. The meaning behind Miyoshi’s lament: A response to Masao Miyoshi’s “Reply” to “Japan in theory.” New Literary History 28.3: 639-47. Krauss, Ellis S. 1998. Changing television news in Japan. Journal of Asian Studies 57.3: 663-92. Marfording, Annette. 1997. Cultural relativism and the construction of culture: An examination of Japan. Human Rights Quarterly 19.2: 431-48. Minear, Richard H. 1980. Cross-cultural perceptions and World War II: American Japanists of the 1940s and their image of Japan. International Studies Quarterly 24.4: 555-80. Miyoshi, Masao. 1997. “Bunburying” in the Japan field: A reply to Jeff Humphries. New Literary History 28.3: 625-38. Moeller, Susan D. 1996. Pictures of the enemy: Fifty years of images of Japan in the American press, 1941-1992. Journal of American Culture 19.1: 29-42. Pham, P. L. 1999. On the edge of the Orient: English representations of Japan, circa 1895-1910. Japanese Studies 19.2: 163-81. †Satoh, Akira. 2001. Constructing imperial identity: How to quote the imperial family and those who address them in the Japanese press. Discourse & Society 12.2: 169-94. Tada, Masao. 1999. Japanese social values in representations of Australia. Japanese Studies 19.1: 69-79. See also 1.2: Burgess; 3.6.1: Luther; 3.9.1: Lie; Weisenfeld
Ankersmit, F. R. 1988. Historical representation. History and Theory 27.3: 205-28. Bauman, Joel. 1995. Designer heritage: Israeli national parks and the politics of historical representation. Middle East Report, no. 196: 20-23. Barkan, Elazar. 1994. Post-anti-colonial histories: Representing the other in imperial Britain. Journal of British Studies 33.2: 180-203. Braun, Robert. 1994. The Holocaust and problems of historical representation. History and Theory 33.2: 172-97. Cohen, Sande. 2000. The “use and abuse of history” according to Jean-François Lyotard. Parallax 6.4: 99-113. Eperjesi, John. 2001. The American Asiatic Society and the imperialist imaginary of the American Pacific. Boundary 2 28.1: 195-219. Fogu, Claudio. 1996. Fascism and historic representation: The 1932 Garibaldian Celebrations. Journal of Contemporary History 31.2: 317-45. ----------. 1997. Il Duce taumaturgo: Modernist rhetorics in Fascist representations of history. Representations, no. 57: 24-51. Gong, Gerrit W. 2001. The beginning of history: Remembering and forgetting as strategic issues. Washington Quarterly 24.2: 45-57. Kansteiner, Wulf. 1993. Hayden White’s critique of the writing of history. History and Theory 32.3: 273-95. Lang, Berel. 1995. Is it possible to misrepresent the Holocaust? History and Theory 34.1: 84-89. Lorenz, Chris. 1994. Historical knowledge and historical reality: A plea for “internal realism.” History and Theory 33.3: 297-327. Pollmann, Thijs. 2000. Coherence and ambiguity in history. History & Theory 39.2: 167-80. Ross, Dorothy. 1995. Grand narrative in American historical writing: From romance to uncertainty. The American Historical Review 100.3: 651-77. Saab, A. Joan. 2001. History goes Hollywood and vice versa: Historical representation and distortion in American film. American Quarterly 53.4: 710-19. Shapiro, Ann-Louise. 1997. Whose (which) history is it anyway? History and Theory 36.4: 1-3. Sicher, Efraim. 2000. The future of the past. History & Memory 12.2: 56-91. Smith, Roger. 2000. Reflections on the historical imagination. History of the Human Sciences 13.4: 103-08. Thomas, Alan Berkeley. 1999. Organizing the past: A history and its (de)construction. Studies in Cultures, Organizations and Societies 5: 151-77. Thomas, Julia A. 1998. Photography, national identity, and the “Cataract of times”: Wartime images and the case of Japan. American Historical Review 103.5: 1475-1501. See also 1.2: Dirlik; Johnson; 2.3: Prakash (2000); 3.3: Geyer; Williamson; 3.8: Kramer; 3.9: Dirlik; 3.12: Kent; Klein; Marwick; Wurgaft; Zagorin; 3.13: Holt
Bix, Herbert P. 1995. Inventing the “symbol monarchy” in Japan, 1945-52. Journal of Japanese Studies 21.2: 319-63. Calichman, Richard F. 2000. Nothing resists modernity: On Takeuchi Yoshimi’s “Kindai towa nanika.” Positions: East Asia Cultures Critique 8.2: 317-48. Dirlik, Arif. 1991. Past experience, if not forgotten, is a guide to the future; or, what is in a text? The politics of history in Chinese-Japanese relations. Boundary 2 18.3, Japan in the world: 29-58. Dower, John W. 2000. “Culture,” theory, and practice in U.S.-Japan relations. Diplomatic History 24.3: 517-28. Figal, Gerald. 1996. How to jibunshi: Making and marketing self-histories of Showa among the masses in postwar Japan. Journal of Asian Studies 55.4: 902-33. ----------. 2001. Waging peace on Okinawa. Critical Asian Studies 33.1: 37-69. Green, Michael J. 1999. Can Tojo inspire modern Japan? Rev. of Puraido-unmei no toki, dir. by Toshiya Itô. SAIS Review 19.2: 243-50. Harootunian, Harry. 2000. Japan’s long postwar: The trick of memory and the ruse of history. South Atlantic Quarterly 99.4: 715-39. Hein, Laura. 1999. Savage irony: The imaginative power of the “Military Comfort Women” in the 1990s. Gender & History 11.2: 336-72. Ienaga, Saburo. 1993/94. The glorification of war in Japanese education. International Security 18.3: 113-33. Kohn, Richard H. 1995. History and the culture wars: The case of the Smithsonian Institution’s Enola Gay Exhibition. Journal of American History 82.3: 1036-63. McCormack, Gavan. 2000. Flight from the violent 20th century. Metraux, Daniel A. 2000. Japan’s historical myopia. East Asia 18.3: 95-109. Morris-Suzuki, Tessa. 2001. Truth, postmodernism and historical revisionism in Japan. Inter-Asia Cultural Studies 2.2: 297-305. Mukae, Ryuji. 1996. Japans Diet resolution on World War Two: Keeping history at bay. Asian Survey 36.10: 1011-30. Reynolds, Jonathan M. 2001. Ise Shrine and a modernist construction of Japanese tradition. Art Bulletin 83.2: 316-41. Tamanoi, Mariko Asano. 2000. A road to “A redeemed mankind”: The politics of memory among the former Japanese peasant settlers in Manchuria. South Atlantic Quarterly 99.1: 163-89. Yang, Daqing. 1999a. Challenges of trans-national history: Historians and the Nanjing atrocity. SAIS Review 19.2: 133-47. ----------. 1999b. Convergence or divergence? Recent historical writing on the rape of Nanjing. American Historical Review 104.3: 842-65. Yonetani, Julia. 2000. Ambiguous traces and the politics of sameness: Placing Okinawa in Meiji Japan. Japanese Studies 20.1: 15-31. See also 2.2.1: Park; Puja; 2.3.1: Napier; 3.8.1: Kersten; Tanaka |
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