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3.6 Identity (Cultural / Ethnic/ National)Ahmed, Sara. 1999. Home and away: Narratives of migration and estrangement. International Journal of Cultural Studies 2.3: 329-47. Anderson, Alan B. 2001. The complexity of ethnic identities: A postmodern reevaluation. Identity: International Journal of Theory and Research 1.3: 209-23. Ang, Ien. 1998. Can one say no to Chineseness? Pushing the limits of the diasporic paradigm. Boundary 2 25.3: 223-42. Anthias, Floya. 1999. Beyond unities of identity in high
modernity. Appiah, K. Anthony. 2000. Stereotypes and the shaping of
identity. Arpaia, Paul. 2002. Constructing a national identity from a created literary past: Giosué Carducci and the development of a national literature. Journal of Modern Italian Studies 7.2: 192-214. Bloul, Rachel A. D. 1999. Beyond ethnic identity: Resisting exclusionary identification. Social Identities 5.1: 7-30. Bosniak, Linda. 1998. The citizenship of aliens. Social Text, no. 56: 29-35. Chow, Rey. 1998. On Chineseness as a theoretical problem. Boundary 2 25.3: 1-24. Chun, Allen. 1996. Fuck Chineseness: On the ambiguities of ethnicity as culture as identity. Boundary 2 23.2: 111-38. Cohen, Anthony P. 1993. Culture as identity: An anthropologist’s view. New Literary History 24.1: 195-209. Di Leo, Jeffrey R. 1999. On being and becoming affiliated. Symploke 7.1/2: 49-63. Eckstein, Barbara. 1995. Ethnicity matters. American Literary History 7.3: 572-81. Erkkila, Betsy. 1995. Ethnicity, literary theory, and the grounds of resistance. American Quarterly 47.4: 563-94. Gleason, Philip. 1983. Identifying identity: A semantic history. Journal of American History 69.4: 910-31. Grosvenor, Ian. 1999. “There’s no place like home”: Education and the making of national identity. History of Education 28.3: 235-50. Gupta, Monisha Das. 1997. “What is Indian about you?” A gendered, transnational approach to ethnicity. Gender and Society 11.5: 572-96. Hall, Stuart. 1999. Thinking the diaspora: Home-thoughts from abroad. Small Axe, no. 6: 1-18. Hallam, Julia. 2001. Memories of home: Re-locating class in cultural studies. International Journal of Cultural Studies 4.3: 360-68. Hedetoft, Ulf. 1993. National identity and mentalities of war in three EC countries. Journal of Peace Research 30.3: 281-300. Katerberg, William H. 1995. The irony of identity: An essay on nativism, liberal democracy, and parochial identities in Canada and the United States. American Quarterly 47.3: 493-524. Meerwald, Agnes May Lin. 2001. Chineseness at the crossroads. European Journal of Cultural Studies 4.4: 387-404. Morris, Nancy. 2002. The myth of unadulterated culture meets the threat of imported media. Media, Culture & Society 24.2: 278-89. Parker, Kenneth. 1993. Home is where the heart . . . lies. Transition, no. 59: 65-77. Posnock, Ross. 1992. The politics of nonidentity: A genealogy. †Raviv, Yael. 2002. National identity on a plate. Palestine - Israel Journal of Politics, Economics & Culture 8/9.4/1: 164-72. Rorty, Amelie Oksenberg. 1994. The hidden politics of cultural identification. Political Theory 22.1: 152-66. Said, Edward W. 1994. Identity, authority, and freedom: The potentate and the traveler. Boundary 2 21.3: 1-18. Savery, Barnett. 1942. Identity and difference. Philosophical Review 51.2: 205-12. Smith, Anthony D. 1992. National identity and the idea of European unity. International Affairs 68.1: 55-76. Sokefeld, Martin. 1999. Debating self, identity, and culture in anthropology. Current Anthropology 40.4: 417-47. Sussman, Nan M. 2000. The dynamic nature of cultural identity throughout cultural transitions: Why home is not so sweet. Personality and Social Psychology Review 4.4: 365-73. Takacs, Stacy. 1999. Alien-nation: Immigration, national identity and transnationalism. Cultural Studies 13.4: 591-620. Thompson, Mark. R. 2001. Whatever happened to “Asian
values”? Threadgold, Terry. 2000. When home is always a foreign place: Diaspora, dialogue, translations. Communal / Plural: Journal of Transnational & Crosscultural Studies 8.2: 193-217. Valk, Aune, and Kristel Karu. 2001. Ethnic attitudes in relation to ethnic pride and ethnic differentiation. Journal of Social Psychology 141.5: 583-601. Wade, Peter. 2001. Racial identity and nationalism: A theoretical view from Latin America. Ethnic and Racial Studies 24.5: 845-65. Weaver, Hilary N. 2001. Indigenous identity: What is it and who really has it? American Indian Quarterly 25.2: 240-55. Wise, J. Macgregor. 2000. Home: Territory and identity. Cultural Studies 14.2: 295-310. Woodhull, Winifred. 1993. Exile. Yale French Studies, no. 82: 7-24. See also 1: Enstad; Radhakrishnan; 1.1: Wilson; 2.2: Allen; Davies; Downs; Francis; Friedman; McNay; Stukes; 2.3: Radhakrishnan; 3.2: Brodwin; 3.3: Norris; 3.5: Easthope; 3.7: Herbert; Palumbo-Liu; Tempelman; 3.8: Gudcov; Mummendey; Thompson; 3.12: Wicke; Wurgaft; 3.13: Azoulay; Davis; Trucios-Haynes; 3.14: Barthel-Bouchier; 3.14.2: Thomas; 3.16: Vertovec (2001); 4.1: Dallmayr; Wilcock; 4.3: Sawyer; 4.4: Calarco
Bellah, Robert N. 1965. Japan’s cultural identity: Some reflections on the work of Watsuji Tetsuro. Journal of Asian Studies 24.4: 573-94. Da Rocha, Christina Moreira. 1999. Identity and tea ceremony in Brazil. Japanese Studies 19.3: 287-95. Iida, Yumiko. 2000. Between the technique of living an endless routine and the madness of absolute degree zero: Japanese identity and the crisis of modernity in the 1990s. Positions: East Asia Cultures Critiques 8.2: 423-64. Fujii, James A. 1999. Intimate alienation: Japanese urban rail and the commodification of urban subjects. Differences: Journal of Feminist Cultural Studies 11.2: 106-33. Haugh, Michael. 1998. Native-speaker beliefs about Nihonjinron and Miller’s “Law of inverse returns.” Journal of the Association of Teachers of Japanese 32.2: 27-58. Howell, David L. 1996. Ethnicity and culture in contemporary Japan. Journal of Contemporary History 31.1: 171-90. Koizumi, Kenkichiro. 2002. In search of wakon: The cultural dynamics of the rise of technology in postwar Japan. Technology and Culture 43.1: 29-49. Kubota, Ryuko. 1998. Ideologies of English in Japan. World Englishes 17.3: 295-306. Lai, Ming-yan. 2000. The anxiety of ambiguity: Nation and identity in Ôe’s Man’en gannen no futtobôru. Peace & Change 25.3: 379-406. Lie, John. 1996. Culture and the self. Current Sociology 44.1: 47-55. ----------. 1996. Theorizing Japanese uniqueness. Current Sociology 44..1: 5-13. Long, Margherita. 2002. Tanizaki and the enjoyment of Japanese culturalism. Positions: East Asia Cultures Critique 10.2: 431-69. Morris-Suzuki, Tessa. 1995. The invention and reinvention of “Japanese culture.” Journal of Asian Studies 54.3: 759-80. ----------. 2000. Ethnic engineering: Scientific racism and public opinion surveys in midcentury Japan. Positions: East Asia Cultures Critique 8.2: 499-529. Muramatsu, Michio. 1987. In search of national identity: The politics and policies of the Nakasone administration. Journal of Japanese Studies 13.2: 307-42. Murphy-Shigematsu, Stephen. 1993. Multiethnic Japan and the monoethnic myth. MELUS 18.4: 63-80. Renwick, Neil. 2001. Japan.com. National Identities 3.2: 169-85. Reynolds, Jonathan M. 2001. Ise Shrine and a modernist construction of Japanese tradition. Art Bulletin 83.2: 316-41. Sakamoto, Rumi. 2001. Dream of a modern subject: Maruyama Masao, Fukuzawa Yukichi, and “Asia” as the limit of ideology critique. Japanese Studies 21.2: 137-53. Schooler, Carmi. 1998. History, social structure and individualism: A cross-cultural perspective on Japan. International Journal of Cultural Studies 39.1: 32-51. Sherif, Ann. 2002. The politics of loss: On Etô Jun. Positions: East Asia Cultures Critiques 10.1: 111-39. Silverberg, Miriam. 1991. Constructing a new cultural history of prewar Japan. Boundary 2 18.3, Japan in the world: 61-89. Sugimoto, Yoshio. 1999. Making sense of Nihonjinron. Thesis Eleven, no. 57: 81-96. Watanabe, Yasushi. 2000. “Japan” through the looking glass: American influences on the politics of cultural identity in the Post-War Japan. Passages: Journal of Transnational & Transcultural Studies 2.1: 21-36. Waswo, Ann. 1989. Modernism and cultural identity in Japan. Asian Affairs 20.1: 45-56. Wendelken, Cherie. 2000. Pan-Asianism and the pure Japanese thing: Japanese identity and architecture in the late 1930s. Positions: East Asia Cultures Critiques 8.3: 819-28. Yamamoto, Eriko. 2000. Cheers for Japanese athletes: The 1932 Los Angeles Olympics and the Japanese American community. Pacific Historical Review 69.3: 399-429. See also 2.2.1: Dasgupta; Pennington; 2.3.1: Ching; 3.1.1: Hoffman; 3.8.1: McCormack; 3.10.1: Tsuda (2000); 3.11.1: Roberson |
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