David Ewick

Course Pages, 2003-2004

These pages provide a weekly account of particular courses, and a means of communication outside the classroom. Any student who wishes to post a notice to a class or classes should have it to me in Microsoft Word format by Friday at noon. Students are expected to have consulted these pages at least 24 hours before a class meeting.


Academic Presentations I (spring / autumn)
Academic Presentations II (spring / autumn)
Interpreting Culture, extra not-for-credit seminar (autumn)
Introductory Seminar I: Discovering Others I (autumn)
Case Studies I (spring / autumn)
Case Studies II (spring / autumn)
Introductory Seminar I: Contemporary Problems (spring)
Introductory Seminar II: Discovering Others II (spring)


Cultural Studies: North America and East Asia (spring / autumn)
Orientalism and Modernism (autumn)
Methods of Academic Presentation in English

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