BL. W. B. Yeats217. Bertha, Csilla. ‘Spiritual Realities and National Concerns in Yeats’s Noh Plays’. Angol filológiai tanulmányok 16 (1983): 51-61.Argues that because of ‘great differences between Yeats’s philosophy and attitude and those of the Japanese authors’, he ‘westernized’ nô ‘structure’ in the Plays for Dancers (17) and ‘made it suitable to express individual and national concerns alongside the universal’, largely through the introduction of conflict. Includes analysis of each of the Plays for Dancers and suggests ‘contrastive parallels’ between At the Hawk’s Well (12) and Yôrô (BK75) and The Dreaming of the Bones (14a) and Nishikigi (BK8).  