BL. W. B. Yeats54. Journal entry, 9 August 1909. In Memoirs: Autobiography, First Draft Journal. Edited by Denis Donoghue. London: Macmillan, 1972.The earlier draft of material Yeats incorporated into section XLVII of ‘Estrangement: Extracts from a Diary Kept in 1909’ (see 27a) demonstrates again his early acquaintance with Binyon’s work on Japanese and Chinese art: ‘I had been talking of the literary element in painting . . . and turning over the leaves of Binyon’s book on Eastern painting in which he shows how traditional, how literary it is’. The book in question would be the 1908 edition of Painting in the Far East (BC2). See also 10, 25, 48, 80, 129, and 228.  