BK. Ezra Pound152. Ishibashi, Hiro. ‘Marie C. Stopes to nô’ (Stopes and nô). Eigo seinen 124 (1978): 180-81, 214-16.
Primarily of importance to this study for Ishibashi’s quotation from a letter Stopes wrote to her on 14 March 1956: At about the time of publication of Stopes’s Plays of Old Japan (see D23, 1913), Stopes writes, ‘Ezra Pound invited himself to see me, asking me to collaborate with him in doing some Nô plays. I talked with him and found he knew nothing whatever about the subject or the language, or the really fundamental ideas in the plays, and I refused as he was merely trying to sponge on me in my opinion. Yeats, of course, was quite a different matter. He was a real poet, but I feel that his attempts at English Nô Plays are very artificial.’.