BK. Ezra Pound131. Hori, Masato. ‘Ezra Pound to nôgaku’ (Ezra Pound and the nô). Kansai daigaku tôzai gakujutsu kenkyûjo kiyô 4 (1971): 1-12.Traces details of Pound’s reworking
of the Fenollosa manuscripts for ‘Noh’ or Accomplishment
(24) and outlines ideas about the ‘one
image poem’ Pound ‘discovered’ in haiku and the nô
(see especially 12, 17f,
and 87). Includes a photograph of Pound
at the Teatro Eliseo in Rome, 10 June 1970, taken prior to a performance
of the nô performed by Umewaka Mansaburô, grandson of Umewaka
Minoru (Ap).