BK. Ezra Pound51. ‘Study of Noh Continues in West: Pound Outlines New Approach to Drama Using New Media’. Japan Times and Mail, 10 December 1939, p. 8.
Pound writes that the ‘work initiated by . . . Fenollosa for better comprehension of East and West is by no means ended’, and so ‘we in the West want an adequate edition of the Noh in two or more languages . . . an edition with the ideogramic text on one page . . . to convey the calligraphic beauty and the essentially intranslatable values of ideograms themselves’ (see 45d). He mentions further that Yeats ‘was at once enkindled by the imperfect versions’ of nô Pound had made from Fenollosa’s notes, and that while he had recently been in America Pound had seen a film version of Aoi no Ue (22) at the Library of Congress, for notes about which see 49. Reprinted in 82.