BK. Ezra Pound6. Zenia. Smart Set 41/4 (December 1913): 47-48.
A poem in eleven brief sections that Pound later printed as separate poems, first in Lustra (20). Two of the sections, II, which became Alba, and VII, which became The Bath Tub, rely on the technique of super-position (see 3 and 12), though in both cases the super-posed image comes at the beginning and not, as in earlier manifestations of the technique, at the end. In the three lines of 7, 7, and 9 syllables of section II Pound may be playing as well with hokku syllabics; Miner (A25) finds that in the opening super-posed image of ‘a bath tub lined with white porcelain’ in section VII Pound is ‘parody[ing] his own super-pository technique’.