I intended a brief
commentary on life and manners, a kind of “Spoon River”
á la Japonaise. |
Illustrated entries: |
BH. John Gould Fletcher, 1886~1950
Primary Materials
1. From
the Japanese, 1913.
2. Irradiations, Sand and Spray, 1915.
3. Japanese
Prints, 1915.
4. Goblins and Pagodas,
5. The Secret of Far Eastern Painting,
6. Japanese
Prints, 1917.
7. Japanese Prints,
8. Breakers and Granite,
9. Preludes and Symphonies, 1922.
10. Buddhism
and Christianity, 1925.
11. East and West, 1928.
12. The Impulse of Poetry, 1931.
13. Life is My Song,
14. Selected Poems,
15. The Orient and Contemporary Poetry,
16. The
Tree at Hiroshima, 1946.
17. Foreword to A Pepper-Pod, 1947.
18. To Yone Noguchii
[1921], 1975.
19. To R. N. Linscott and to Amy Lowell [1916, 1918], 1978.
20. Selected Poems of John Gould
Fletcher, 1988.
21. Selected Essays of John Gould
Fletcher, 1989.
22. Selected Letters of John Gould
Fletcher, 1996.
23. Unpublished materials.
Secondary Materials
24. Reviews of Goblins and Pagodas, 1916-17.
25. Reviews of Japanese Prints, 1918-19.
26. Babette Deutsch, Review of Selected
Poems, 1938.
27. Edna Buell Stephens, The Oriental
Influence in John Gould Fletcher, 1961.
28. Edna B. Stephens, John Gould
Fletcher, 1967.
29. Edmund S. de Chasca, John Gould
Fletcher and Imagism, 1978.
30. Bruce Morton, John Gould Fletcher:
A Bibliography, 1979.
31. Meredith Yearsley, John Gould Fletcher,
32. Nishiguchi Junko, John Gould Fletcher
no Japanese Prints o megutte: ukiyoe
to haiku no eikyô (The
influence of ukiyoe and haiku on Fletcher’s Japanese Prints), 1986.
33. Nishiguchi Junko, John Gould Fletcher
to tôyô (Fletcher and the Orient), 1988.
34. Lucas Carpenter, John Gould Fletcher
and Southern Modernism, 1990.
35. Ben F. Johnson, III, Fierce Solitude:
A Life of John Gould Fletcher,
36. See also.