BK. Ezra Pound

195. Hakutani, Yoshinobu. ‘Ezra Pound, Yone Noguchi, and Imagism’. Modern Philology  90 (1992): 46-69.

Reprinted in vol. 2 of Hakutani’s edition of Noguchi.

Carefully traces evidence for a ‘direct link’ between Noguchi’s work and Imagist poetics in general and Pound’s in particular, mainly by demonstrating similarities between Pound’s ‘hokku-like verse’, his references to the hokku in Imagist and Vorticist manifestos, particularly ‘Vorticism’ (12), and Noguchi’s earlier writing and lectures on the subject, particularly ‘What is a Hokku Poem?’ (D15e5) and The Spirit of Japanese Poetry (D15e6), both of which had been well-received and were well known in London in the months before Pound most famously turned his attention to Japanese subjects. Includes passing notes about Yeats’s interest in the nô and Aldington’s interest in Japanese art, along with reference to Fenollosa, Flint (Ap), Hulme (see A3), and others. Incorporates ‘Yone Noguchi’s Influence on Ezra Pound’s Imagism’ (Chiba Review 13 [1991]: 25-35); reprinted as part 2 of Hakutani’s introduction to Selected English Writings of Yone Noguchi, vol. 2 (D15e10).



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