BK. Ezra Pound193. Notes. In Princeton University Library Chronicle 53/1 (1991).a. Litz, A. Walton. ‘A New Acquisition: Papers of Ernest Fenollosa and Ezra Pound Relating to the Nô Drama’. Announces the acquisition at Princeton of the new materials of the title (see 90b), and summarises the importance of Fenollosa’s nô materials for both Pound and Yeats. Litz writes that the organisation of many of The Cantos around a unified image is derived from Pound’s understanding of the nô (see 12, 17f, and 87), and that Pound’s interpretations of the nô ‘had a crucial impact on the development of modern poetry and drama’ in English. b. Miner, Earl. ‘Pound and Fenollosa Papers Relating to Nô’. Describes the materials recently given to Princeton by an anonymous donor (see 90b). Miner suggests that the ‘unity of image’ Pound discovered in the nô ultimately was more important to his work than the haiku.