David Ewick

Toward a Classified Bibliography of Not One Thing:
Cross Disciplinary Cultural Studies in English Language Journals

4.9 Friedrich Nietzsche

Antonio, Robert J. 1995. Nietzsche’s antisociology: Subjectified culture and the end of history. American Journal of Sociology 101.1: 1-43.

Coles, Romand. 1996. Liberty, equality, receptive generosity: Neo-Nietzschean reflections on the ethics and politics of coalition. American Political Science Review 90.2: 375-88.

Evans, Fred. 2001. Genealogy and the problem of affirmation in Nietzsche, Foucault and Bakhtin. Philosophy & Social Criticism 27.3: 41-65.

Gemes, Ken. 1992. Nietzsche’s critique of truth. Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 52.1: 47-65.

Hales, Steven D. 1996. Nietzsche on logic. Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 56.4: 819-35.

Leiter, Brian. 1997. Nietzsche and the morality critics. Ethics 107.2: 250-85.

Mara, Gerald M., and Suzanne L. Dovi. 1995. Mill, Nietzsche, and the identity of postmodern libralism. Journal of Politics 57.1: 1-23.

Pecora, Vincent P. 1991. Nietzsche, genealogy, critical theory. New German Critique, no. 53: 104-30.

Perry, Petra. 1993. Deleuze’s Nietzsche. Boundary 2 20.1: 174-91.

Thiele, Leslie Paul. 1994. Twilight of modernity: Nietzsche, Heidegger, and politics. Political Theory 22.3: 468-90.

Touey, Daniel. 1998. How Nietzsche explains and why. Journal of the History of Ideas 59.3: 485-98.

Villa, Dana R. 1992. Beyond good and evil: Arendt, Nietzsche, and the aestheticization of political action. Political Theory 20.2: 274-308.

See also 4.6: Chambers; Thiele

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