BL. W. B. Yeats
61. Noguchi, Yone. ‘A Japanese Poet on W. B. Yeats’.
Bookman (New York) 43 (1916).
Interesting mainly as a curiosity. Describes a meeting and
discussion with Yeats, joined toward the end by Pound and Gaudier Brzeska.
Several times the discussion turns to Japanese subjects, and Noguchi quotes
Yeats at length, though the style of the quoted material reminds more
of Noguchi than of Yeats himself. Yeats ‘confess[es]’ that
his ‘mind is perfectly saturated now’ with the nô, ‘declare[s]’
that in his occult interests he is ‘an ancestor worshipper almost
as if Japanese’, ‘declare[s]’ Japan a ‘sensible
and noble’ country, and so on.