A. Critical and Comparative Studies
61. McLeod, Dan. ‘Asia and the Poetic Discovery
of America from Emerson to Snyder’. In Discovering the Other:
Humanities East and West, edited by Robert S. Ellwood. Malibu: Undena,
Finds the use of Asian materials central to the development
of a distinctly American poetry. Since ‘the attraction of Asian
traditions for American poets has usually been accompanied by dissatisfaction
with a critical part of our transplanted European culture’, American
poets who have recognised ‘poetic insights expressed effectively
in an Asian work’ have been ‘inclined . . .
to pursue those directions’ in their own work. The result often
has been that the ‘borrowings’ have ‘enriched and helped
to define [American] culture’, to such an extent that ‘the
Asian sources in our poetry contribute to its American identity’.
Focuses particularly on Gary Snyder’s discovery and use of Chinese
materials, but includes reference throughout to the effects of Japanese
sources in American poetry, including Pound’s understanding of the
nô in relation to The Cantos.