Mrs. Merrill E. Gates
Japanese War Song (1895)
(Versified by Mrs. Merrill E. Gates)
China, ancient foe,
Ignoble be and
Though deeply scorned she may be in our eyes,
Yet fierce her
armies are,
And strong her
ships of war!
All history bids us not such power despise.
The over-confident
oft lose the fight.
Because they
will not see their foeman’s might!
ancestors,—each man
Who died to save
How shall we meet them, if we vanquished yield?
Courageous men
of old,
Righteous they
were and bold
To fight and conquer on the deadly field!
How shall we
face these heroes brave,
If, recreant
sons, we shun a patriot’s grave?
Fatherland we love!
All other hopes
We hope the hope for our dear Land to die!
Then forward,
never rest!
Let courage fill
each breast!
Now is the hour the patriot’s heart to try!
Onward, unresting,
night and day!
Forward, still
forward let us force our way!
soldiers, should you lose
Your hands and
feet, still choose
To face the foe, and forward toward him creep!
Scorn to be beaten
Let conquest
mark your track!
Heroes ye are! They, hordes of craven sheep!
Let flames from
China’s castles rise!
Their land in
ashes lay before their eyes!
C. (Bishop) Gates (d. 1905) was author of a number of poems that appeared
in American journals in the 1880s and 1890s, always under the name Mrs.
Merril E. Gates. Her husband, Merrill Edwards Gates, was Presendent of
Rutgers College (1882-1890) and Amherst College (1890-1899), a member
of the U. S. Board of Indian Commissioners (1884-1901), and author of
the notorious Land and Law as Agents in Educating Indians (1885-1889?).
‘Japanese War Song’ appeared in Life and Light for Women
(March, 1895, p. 101), a journal formerly known as Life and Light
for Heathen Women, the publication of the Boston-based Women’s
Board of Missions.