William EmpsonThe Beautiful Train (1937) Argentina is one swing of the bell skirt, Laughing the last art to syncopate So firm, so burdened, on such light gay feet.
Empson’s note: This was when I was going to a job in China a few weeks after the outbreak of the Chinese war. The thing is about a surprised pleasure in being among Japanese again, though the train itself was beautiful after the Russian one all right. What I abhorred or rightly felt I ought to abhor was Japanese imperialism. They have got themselves into a tragically false position, I think; the Chinese with their beautiful good humour were always patient when I told them I was more sorry for the Japanese than for China. . . . Argentina was a famous Spanish dancer when I was young.
For critical notes about ‘The Beautiful Train’ see the Bibliography BF9b; for an overview of Empson’s relation with Japan see William Empson and Japan; for notes about Empson titles in print see Aubade.