Truth to Power: A Bibliography of Edward Said On-line (8/9) 2.2. Secondary / Tributes Listen to Robert Siegel, Homi Bhabha, and Shibley Telhami discuss Edward Said, and to Edward Said himself discussing the 1988 intifada and the post 9/11 world, at NPR, All Things Considered, Remembrance of Edward Said, 25 September 2003. Read tributes to Edward Said by Eqbal Ahmad, Purple Patch: Edward Said, Tanweer Akram, The Legacy of Edward Said, Hanan Ashrawi, Edward, Mustafa Barghouti, A Monument of Justice and Human Rights: A Tribute to Edward Said, Ramzy Baroud, Edward Said, You Are Not Out of Place, Michael Brown, Edward Said, Alexander Cockburn, A Mighty and Passionate Heart, the Columbia University Public Affairs Office, Columbia Community Mourns Passing of Edward Said, Beloved and Esteemed University Professor, Sarah Eltantawi, Edward Said: The Loss of an Irreplaceable Mentor, Robert Fisk, Palestinian, Intellectual, and Fighter, Hatim Khatib, Remembering Dr. Said, A. Y. May, Edward Said and the Contours of Palestinian Identity, Sherri Muzher, Dr. Edward Said, Ilan Pappe, Edward Said: A Lighthouse that Navigated Us, Nigel Perry, Permission to Narrate, Nilanjana Roy, Edward Said and his Critics, Ahdaf Soueif, Edward Said. Read Christopher Hitchens’ obituary / tribute in Slate, Edward Said, Hitchens’ article on Said in the September 2003 Atlantic Monthly, Where the Twain Should Have Met, and Clare Brandabur’s response to Hitchens in Counterpunch. Note also that Said himself responds to Hitchens without naming him in paragraph 11 of Dreams and Delusions. The Hitchens’ Slate article, reprinted as Legacy of Edward Said at MSNBC, 26 September 2003, and as My Friend Edward in the Guardian, 28 September, originally bore the subtitle ‘If only his political judgment has matched his intelligence and moral sensitivity’, but this had disappeared by 27 September. For a reverse chronological listing of other tributes see The Edward Said Archive. |