David Ewick

Toward a Classified Bibliography of Not One Thing:
Cross Disciplinary Cultural Studies in English Language Journals

3.4 Hegemony

Altheide, David L. 1984. Media hegemony: A failure of perspective. Public Opinion Quarterly 48.2: 476-90.

Bates, Thomas R. 1975. Gramsci and the theory of hegemony. Journal of the History of Ideas 36.2: 351-66.

Chase-Dunn, Christopher, et al. 1994. Hegemony and social change. Mershon International Studies Review 38.2: 361-76.

Eriksen, Thomas Hylland. 1992. Linguistic hegemony and minority resistance. Journal of Peace Research 29.3: 312-32.

Evans, Rick. 1995. “Masks”: Literacy, ideology, and hegemony in the academy. Rhetoric Review 14.1: 88-104.

Fontana, Benedetto. 2000. Logos and kratos: Gramsci and the ancients on hegemony. Journal of the History of Ideas 61.2: 305-26.

Gottdeiner, M. 1985. Hegemony and mass culture: A semiotics approach. American Journal of Sociology 90.5: 979-1001.

Greetham, David. 1999. “Who’s in, who’s out”: The cultural poetics of archival exclusion. Studies in the Literary Imagination 32.1: 1-28.

Grunberg, Isabelle. 1990. Exploring the “myth” of hegemonic stability. International Organizations 44.4: 431-77.

Howitt, Richie. 2001. Frontiers, borders, edges: Liminal challenges to the hegemony of exclusion. Australian Geographic Studies 39.2: 233-45.

Kang, Liu. 1997. Hegemony and cultural revolution. New Literary History 28.1: 69-86.

Lears, T. J. Jackson. 1985. The concept of cultural hegemony: Problems and possibilities. American Historical Review 90.3: 567-93.

Moreiras, Alberto. 2002. A thinking relationship: The end of subalternity—notes on hegemony, contingency, universality: Contemporary dialogues on the left. South Atlantic Quarterly 10.1: 97-131.

Urbinati, Nadia. 1998. From the periphery of modernity: Antonio Gramsci’s theory of subordination and hegemony. Political Theory 26.3: 370-91.

Valentine, Jeremy. 2001. The hegemony of hegemony. History of the Human Sciences 14.1: 88-104.

Warner, William B. 1992. The elevation of the novel in England: Hegemony and literary history. English Literary History 59.3: 577-96.

See also 1: Lewis; 2.2: Lim; 2.3: Gledhill; 3.7 Schubert

3.4.1 Hegemony and Japan

Fowler, Edward. 1996. Reflections on hegemony, Japanology, and oppositional criticism. Journal of Japanese Studies 22.2: 401-12.

Haber, Deborah L. 1990. The death of hegemony: Why “Pax Nipponica” is impossible. Asian Survey 30.9: 892-907.

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