David Ewick



These are the domains from which themargins.net has been accessed, 20 May 2003 to 14 July 2006, sorted by number of page views. Country links, to the CIA World Fact Book, will open in a new window.

1. Networks (.net)
2. Commercial (.com)
3. US higher education (.edu)
4. Japan (.jp)
5. United Kingdom (.uk)
6. Australia (.au)
7. Canada (.ca)
8. Italy (.it)
9. France (.fr)
10. Germany (.de)
11. Netherlands (.nl)
12. United States (.us)
13. Poland (.pl)
14. Belgium (.be)
15. Non-profit organizations (.org)
16. New Zealand (.nz)
17. Singapore (.sg)
18. Brazil (.br)
19. Hungary (.hu)
20. Finland (.fi)
21. Sweden (.se)
22. Ireland (.ie)
23. South Africa (.za)
24. Israel (.il)
25. Switzerland (.ch)
26. Denmark (.dk)
27. Austria (.at)
28. Mexico (.mx)
29. Philippines (.ph)
30. US government (.gov)
31. Portugal (.pt)
32. Taiwan (.tw)
33. Norway (.no)
34. US military (.mil)
35. Argentina (.ar)
36. Greece (.gr)
37. Romania (.ro)
38. Spain (.es)
39. Turkey (.tr)
40. Czech Republic (.cz)
41. India (.in)
42. Russia (.ru)
43. Thailand (.th)
44. Hong Kong (.hk)
45. Saudi Arabia (.sa)
46. Indonesia (.id)
47. Morocco (.ma)
48. Estonia (.ee)
49. Colombia (.co)
50. Lithuania (.lt)
51. Croatia (.hr)
52. Serbia and Montenegro (.yu)
53. Chile (.cl)
54. Iceland (.is)
55. Slovakia (.sk)
56. Pakistan (.pk)
57. Malaysia (.my)
58. Peru (.pe)
59. Slovenia (.si)
60. Ukraine (.ua)
61. Egypt (.eg)
62. Mauritius (.mu)
63. Bulgaria (.bg)
64. Trinidad and Tobago (.tt)
65. Uruguay (.uy)
66. Cyprus (.cy)
67. Nepal (.np)
68. Bosnia-Herzegovina (.ba)
69. Luxembourg (.lu)
70. Latvia (.lv)
71. Lebanon (.lb)
72. Malta (.mt)
73. Qatar (.qa)
74. Costa Rica (.cr)
75. South Korea (.kr)
76. Iran (.ir)
77. Nicaragua (.ni)
78. United Arab Emirates (.ae)
79. Jordan (.jo)
80. Georgia (.ge)
81. Bhutan (.bt)
82. Burma (.mm)
83. China (.cn)
84. Dominican Republic (.do)
85. Guatemala (.gt)
86. Vietnam (.vn)
87. Moldova (.md)
88. Sri Lanka (.lk)
89. Niue (.nu)
90. Zimbabwe (.zw)
91. Oman (.om)
92. Belarus (.by)
93. Kenya (.ke)
94. Ecuador (.ec)
95. Jamaica (.jm)
96. Botswana (.bw)
97. Syria (.sy)
98. Venezuela (.ve)
99. Brunei Darussalam (.bn)
100. Cuba (.cu)
101. French Polynesia (.pf)
102. Fiji (.fj)
103. Nigeria (.ng)
104. Honduras (.hn)
105. Cambodia (.kh)
106. Bermuda (.bm)
107. Albania (.al)
108. Kyrgyzstan (.kg)
109. Tuvalu (.tv)
110. Bahamas (.bs)
111. Aruba (.aw)
112. Cook Islands (.ck)
113. Samoa (.ws)
114. Tanzania (.tz)
115. Lesotho (.ls)
116. Maldives (.mv)
117. Cocos (Keeling) Islands (.cc)
118. Togo (.tg)
119. American Samoa (.as)
120. Guyana (.gy)
121. Namibia (.na)
122. Arpanet (.arpa)
123. International treaty organizations (.int)
124. Seychelles (.sc)
125. Isle of Man (.im)
126. Kazakhstan (.kz)
127. Virgin Islands (.vi)
128. Macedonia (.mk)
129. Belize (.bz)
130. Ghana (.gh)
131. Mozambique (.mz)
132. Dominica (.dm)
133. Andorra (.ad)
134. Papua New Guinea (.pg)
135. Paraguay (.py)
136. Informational (.info)
137. Zambia (.zm)
138. Bangladesh (.bd)
139. Uzbekistan (.uz)
140. Barbados (.bb)
141. Christmas Island (.cx)
142. Netherlands Antilles (.an)
143. Burkina Faso (.bf)
144. Panama (.pa)
145. Cote d’Ivoire (.ci)
146. Montserrat (.ms)
147. Tonga (.to)
148. Angola (.ao)
149. Madagascar (.mg)
150. Democratic Republic of the Congo (.cd)
151. Uganda (.ug)
152. Laos (.la)
153. Rwanda (.rw)
154. San Marino (.sm)
155. Senegal (.sn)
156. Businesses (.biz)
157. Airline industry (.aero)

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