My first debt in bringing together this archive is to those
who have granted permission to include work in it, who without payment
beyond a notice of titles in print have so generously supported the project.
I am indebted also to those who have called my attention to work that
has found its way here, particularly to Paul Rossiter, who has filled
in many gaps in my knowledge, and to the late Richard Caddel, who after
one accidental meeting and one following e-mail posted queries, forwarded
responses, and brought me up to date.
The archive also has benefited from the various kindnesses
of Emiko Kuroda, Peter Makin, the late Shigeo Tobita, and Scott Watson,
and would not have been possible without the courtesy of the Department
of English and the excellence of the staff of the University Library at
Indiana University, Bloomington.
Infelicities, of course, are mine.
David Ewick, April, 2004